Brown and Beige Fat Activation as Therapeutic Targets in Obesity-Associated Dyslipidemia
Katu Amina H.
School of Natural and Applied Sciences Kampala International Uganda
Obesity is a global health challenge that significantly increases the risk of dyslipidemia, characterized by abnormal lipid levels, and is a major contributor to cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Emerging evidence suggests that the activation of brown adipose tissue (BAT) and beige adipose tissue (BeAT), both of which possess thermogenic capacities, may offer novel therapeutic avenues for combating obesity and dyslipidemia. Unlike white adipose tissue (WAT), which stores energy, BAT and BeAT play pivotal roles in energy expenditure, lipid metabolism, and glucose homeostasis. This review delves into the physiological roles of brown and beige fat, their contribution to lipid metabolism, and the mechanisms underlying their activation. We discuss the molecular pathways involved in the browning of white fat and how these processes can be harnessed to treat obesity-associated dyslipidemia. Furthermore, we explore pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies to activate BAT and BeAT, focusing on potential clinical applications. The challenges and future directions for brown and beige fat activation as therapeutic targets in metabolic diseases are also outlined.
Keywords: Obesity; Dyslipidemia; Brown adipose tissue (BAT); Beige adipose tissue (BeAT); Lipid metabolism
CITE AS: Katu Amina H. (2024). Brown and Beige Fat Activation as Therapeutic Targets in Obesity-Associated Dyslipidemia. IAA Journal of Scientific Research 11(3):32-35.